Some Descendants of Robert BURNHAM, [Arrived 1635 on 'Angel Gabriel']
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(Persons with names shown in Green are Direct Ancestors or Descendants of Louise Anna (KIELLEY) BOOTH) (Persons with names in RED are Especially Notable Direct Ancestors or Descendants of Louise Anna (KIELLEY) BOOTH). (Persons with names in BLUE are cousins or more distant relations of Louise Anna (KIELLEY) BOOTH). (Persons with names in MAROON are Especially Notable cousins or more distant relations of Louise Anna (KIELLEY) BOOTH).
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| Robert BURNHAM - First of this Line to America |  |
1. Robert BURNHAM [Arrived 1635 on 'Angel Gabriel'],72 son of Robert BURNHAM and Mary ANDREWS, was born about 1620 in Norwich, Norfolkshire, England 72 and died 12 Jun 1691 in Ipswich, Essex Co., Massachusetts 3 about age 71. ADDED NOTES
Robert married Frances HILL 3 in 1644 in Boston, Suffolk Co., MA.3 Frances was born about 1625 of England.3
The child from this marriage was:
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Sarah BURNHAM 227 was born in 1654 in Dover, Strafford Co., NH 227 and died about 1705 in Dover, Strafford Co., NH 227 about age 51.
2. Sarah BURNHAM 227 (Robert [Arrived 1635 on 'Angel Gabriel'] 1) was born in 1654 in Dover, Strafford Co., NH 227 and died about 1705 in Dover, Strafford Co., NH 227 about age 51.
Sarah married (Lieut) James HUCKINS (See Link for Ancestry),227 son of Robert 'Dover Combination' HUCKINS and Elizabeth BEARD, in 1673 in Durham, Strafford Co., NH.227 James was born in 1644 in Dover, Strafford Co., NH 227 and died 28 Aug 1689 in Oyster River (Now Durham), Strafford Co., NH 227 at age 45. SPOUSE NOTES
See the
(Lieut) James HUCKINS Entry for this Couple's Children and Descendants.
Sarah next married Capt. John WOODMAN 227 17 Oct 1700 in Dover, Strafford Co., NH.227 John was born circa 1655 and died before 20 Dec 1705.227 SPOUSE NOTES
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