Some Descendants of Robert MONTGOMERY Sr.
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(Persons with names shown in Green are Direct Ancestors or Descendants of Louise Anna (KIELLEY) BOOTH) (Persons with names in RED are Especially Notable Direct Ancestors or Descendants of Louise Anna (KIELLEY) BOOTH). (Persons with names in BLUE are cousins or more distant relations of Louise Anna (KIELLEY) BOOTH). (Persons with names in MAROON are Especially Notable cousins or more distant relations of Louise Anna (KIELLEY) BOOTH).
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1. Robert MONTGOMERY Sr., son of John MONTGOMERIE and Isabella SHAW, was born about 1660 in Londonderry, Ireland and died in Prob Aghadowey, Londonderry, Ireland.
Robert married Mary MACCULLOM. Mary was born about 1660 in Aghadowey, County Londonderry, Ireland and died in Prob Aghadowey, Londonderry, Ireland.
Children from this marriage were:
2. | i. |
William MONTGOMERY was born about 1680 in Aghadowey, County Londonderry, Ireland, died in 1733 in Hopkinton, Middlesex, Massachusetts about age 53, and was buried in Oct 1733.
3. | ii. |
Robert MONTGOMERY Jr. was born about 1685 in Prob Londonderry, Ireland and died after 1765 in Prob of Portsmouth, Rockingham Co., NH.
4. | iii. |
Hugh MONTGOMERY Sr. 268 was born in 1689 in Prob Londonderry, Ireland 269 and died after 6 May 1766 in Londonderry, Rockingham Co., NH.269
| William MONTGOMERY - First of this Line to America |  |
2. William MONTGOMERY (Robert Sr. 1) was born about 1680 in Aghadowey, County Londonderry, Ireland, died in 1733 in Hopkinton, Middlesex, Massachusetts about age 53, and was buried in Oct 1733. ADDED NOTES
William married May AIKEN about 1700 in Aghadowey, County Londonderry, Ireland. May was born about 1680 in Aghadowey, County Londonderry, Ireland.
Children from this marriage were:
5. | i. | Ann MONTGOMERY was born in 1701 in Aghadowey, County Londonderry, Ireland and died before 11 Oct 1757.
Ann married Patrick HAMILTON about 1721 in Westborough, Worcester, Massachusetts. Patrick was born between 1698 and 1702 in Londonderry, Ireland.
6. | ii. | James MONTGOMERY was born in 1702 in Aghadowey, County Londonderry, Ireland and died 29 Aug 1779 in Blandford, Hampshire, Massachusetts at age 77.
James married Mary HENRY 23 Jan 1731/32 in Hopkinton, Middlesex, Massechusetts. Mary was born circa 1705 and died before 1750.
7. | iii. | John MONTGOMERY was born in 1703 in Aghadowey, County Londonderry, Ireland and died 4 Oct 1743 in Wallpole, ME at age 40.
John married Sarah HARPER 7 Dec 1727 in Hopkinton, Massachussetts Bay Colony, MA. Sarah was born in 1701 and died in 1749 in Boston, Suffolk Co., MA at age 48.
8. | iv. | Abigail MONTGOMERY was born in 1705 in Aghadowey, County Londonderry, Ireland, died 20 Dec 1767 in Cherry Valley, Otsego County, New York at age 62, and was buried in Cherry Valley, Otsego County, New York. CHILD NOTES
Abigail married John HARPER 8 Nov 1728 in Hopkinton, Middlesex, Massachusetts. John was born 10 Aug 1705 in Linnivady, Parish of Newton, Derry, Ireland and died 20 Apr 1785 in Harpersfield, Delaware, NY at age 79.
9. | v. | Agnes MONTGOMERY was born in 1710 in Aghadowey, County Londonderry, Ireland.
Agnes married Armour HAMILTON 9 Jul 1728 in Hopkinton, Middlesex, Massechusets. Armour was born about 1705 in Londonderry, Ireland.
10. | vi. | Sarah MONTGOMERY was born 22 Sep 1728 in Middlefield, Massachusetts.
Sarah married William STROWBRIDGE. William was born in 1788.
| Robert MONTGOMERY - First of this Line to America |  |
3. Robert MONTGOMERY Jr. (Robert Sr. 1) was born about 1685 in Prob Londonderry, Ireland and died after 1765 in Prob of Portsmouth, Rockingham Co., NH. ADDED NOTES
Robert married Wife of Robert (MONTGOMERY) UNKNOWN circa 1704 in Prob Londonderry, Ireland. Wife was born circa 1685.
Children from this marriage were:
12. | ii. | Robert MONTGOMERY was born circa 1708 in Prob Aghadowey, County Londonderry, Ireland and died in Prob Londonderry, Strafford Co., NH.
13. | iii. | Martha MONTGOMERY was born circa 1710 in Prob Aghadowey, County Londonderry, Ireland and died in Prob Londonderry, Strafford Co., NH.
14. | iv. | Margaret MONTGOMERY was born circa 1712 in Prob Aghadowey, County Londonderry, Ireland and died in Prob Londonderry, Strafford Co., NH.
| Hugh MONTGOMERY - First of this Line to America |  |
4. Hugh MONTGOMERY Sr. 268 (Robert Sr. 1) was born in 1689 in Prob Londonderry, Ireland 269 and died after 6 May 1766 in Londonderry, Rockingham Co., NH.269 ADDED NOTES
Hugh married Jean CARGILL,272 daughter of Capt. David CARGILL and Jennett SMITH, 22 May 1715 in Balleymoney, Antrim, Ireland.269 Jean was born about 1695 of Balleymoney, Antrim, Ireland 269 and died before 1723 in Londerry, Rockingham, NH.269 MARRIAGE NOTES
The child from this marriage was:
15. | i. | Elizabeth MONTGOMERY 273 was born 20 Mar 1718/19 in Londerry, Rockingham Co., NH.273 CHILD NOTES
Hugh next married Jean MACGREGORE 269 circa 1720 in Londonderry, Rockingham Co., NH.269 Jean was born about 1698 of Londonderry, Ireland 269 and died about 1772 in Londonderry, Rockingham Co., NH 269 about age 74. SPOUSE NOTES
Children from this marriage were:
16. | i. | Mary MONTGOMERY 273 was born 13 Jun 1723 in Londonderry, Rockingham Co., NH.273
17. | ii. |
Hugh MONTGOMERY 273 was born 29 Jul 1726 in Londerry, Rockingham Co., NH 273 and died about 1792 in Londonderry, Windham Co., VT about age 66.
18. | iii. | David MONTGOMERY 273 was born 28 Feb 1727/28 in Londerry, Rockingham Co., NH 273 and died before 1776 in Prob Londonderry, Strafford Co., NH.
11. Hugh MONTGOMERY Barrington Town Clerk 270 271 (Robert Jr. 2, Robert Sr. 1) was born about 1705 in Prob Aghadowey, County Londonderry, Ireland and died after 1754 in Prob Londonderry, Strafford Co., NH. ADDED NOTES
Hugh married Elizabeth (MONTGOMERY) UNKNOWN about 1720. Elizabeth was born about 1705 and died after 30 Jul 1746 of Portsmouth, Rockingham Co., NH. SPOUSE NOTES
The child from this marriage was:
17. Hugh MONTGOMERY 273 (Hugh Sr. 2, Robert Sr. 1) was born 29 Jul 1726 in Londerry, Rockingham Co., NH 273 and died about 1792 in Londonderry, Windham Co., VT about age 66. ADDED NOTES
Hugh married Elizabeth "Betty" MARTIN 273 before 1749 in Bergen, New Hampshire.273 Betty was born about 1725 of Bergen, New Hampshire and died after 1775 in Londonderry, Windham Co., VT.
Children from this marriage were:
20. | i. | Henry MONTGOMERY 3 was born 27 Jan 1749/50 in Londerry, Rockingham Co., NH 3 and died 14 Jun 1833 in Aurelius, Cayuga Co., NY at age 83. CHILD NOTES
21. | ii. | Hugh MONTGOMERY was born 10 Sep 1752 in Londonderry, Rockingham Co., NH and died 14 May 1819 in Aurelius, Cayuga Co., NY at age 66. CHILD NOTES
22. | iii. | John MONTGOMERY 3 was born about 1754 in Londerry, Rockingham Co., NH.3
23. | iv. | Robert MONTGOMERY 3 273 was born about 1756 in Londerry, Rockingham Co., NH 3 273 and died 15 Sep 1822 in Salem, Washington Co., NY 273 about age 66. CHILD NOTES
Robert married Hannah MACH 3 in May 1777 in Windham, Vermont.279 Hannah was born about 1755.3
19. John MONTGOMERY 274 275 276 277 (Hugh Barrington Town Clerk 3, Robert Jr. 2, Robert Sr. 1) was born about 1724 of Strafford, Strafford Co., NH 275 276 277 and died before 11 Jun 1805 in Prob Barrington, Strafford Co., NH.277 ADDED NOTES
John married Abra HAYES (See Link for Ancestry),275 276 277 280 281 daughter of (Deacon) John HAYES and Tamsen WENTWORTH , 1 Aug 1742 in First Church, Dover, Strafford, NH.275 276 277 278 Abra was born 17 Feb 1723/24 in Dover, Strafford Co., NH,275 276 277 280 282 was baptized 19 Apr 1724 in First Church, Dover, Strafford Co., New Hampshire,277 283 and died before 4 Mar 1800 in Prob Barrington, Strafford Co., NH.277 MARRIAGE NOTES
Children from this marriage were:
24. | i. |
Jonathan MONTGOMERY was born 27 May 1754 in Barrington, Strafford Co., NH,3 270 was baptized 21 Jul 1754 in Dover, Strafford Co., NH,3 and died after 1810 in Barrington, Strafford Co., NH.
25. | ii. |
Elizabeth MONTGOMERY was born about 1763 in Barrington, Strafford Co., NH 3 and died before 4 Mar 1800 of Barrington, Strafford Co., NH.3 244
24. Jonathan MONTGOMERY (John 4, Hugh Barrington Town Clerk 3, Robert Jr. 2, Robert Sr. 1) was born 27 May 1754 in Barrington, Strafford Co., NH,3 270 was baptized 21 Jul 1754 in Dover, Strafford Co., NH,3 and died after 1810 in Barrington, Strafford Co., NH. ADDED NOTES
Jonathan married Mercy HAYES (See Link for Ancestry),284 daughter of (Capt.) Paul HAYES and Tamsen DREW, 13 Mar 1777 in Barrington, Strafford Co., NH.284 Mercy was born circa 1760 of Barrington, Strafford Co., NH. SPOUSE NOTES
Children from this marriage were:
26. | i. |
(Lieut) John MONTGOMERY 285 was born 3 Mar 1780 in Strafford, Strafford Co., NH, died 21 Nov 1836 in Barrington, Strafford Co., NH 285 at age 56, and was buried 23 Nov 1836 in Barrington, Strafford Co., NH.
27. | ii. |
(Capt) Paul MONTGOMERY 286 287 was born about 1782 in Barrington, Strafford Co., NH,287 died 12 Apr 1841 in Barrington, Strafford Co., NH 287 about age 59, and was buried 14 Apr 1841 in Barrington, Strafford Co., NH.287
28. | iii. | Tamson H. MONTGOMERY was born circa 1785 in Barrington, Strafford Co., NH.
Tamson married Daniel HAYES 31 Oct 1805 in Strafford Co., New Hampshire by Rev. Benjamin Batch.288 Daniel was born circa 1785 in Barrington, Strafford Co., NH.
29. | iv. |
Elizabeth "Betsey" MONTGOMERY was born 7 Mar 1789 in Barrington, Strafford Co., NH,3 289 died 1 Dec 1862 in Barrington, Strafford Co., NH 3 290 at age 73, and was buried in Barrington, Strafford Co., NH by Rev. Enoch Hayes Place.
30. | v. | Abra MONTGOMERY was born circa 1792 in Barrington, Strafford Co., NH.
Abra married Benjamin YOUNG 2 Feb 1812 in Strafford Co., New Hampshire by Rev. Micajah Otis.291 Benjamin was born circa 1790 of Barrington, Strafford Co., NH.
25. Elizabeth MONTGOMERY (John 4, Hugh Barrington Town Clerk 3, Robert Jr. 2, Robert Sr. 1) was born about 1763 in Barrington, Strafford Co., NH 3 and died before 4 Mar 1800 of Barrington, Strafford Co., NH.3 244 ADDED NOTES
Elizabeth married James HUCKINS (See Link for Ancestry),238 son of John HUCKINS and Mary (HUCKINS) UNKNOWN, circa 1784 in Barrington, Strafford Co., NH.238 James was born about 1762 in Madbury, Strafford Co., NH 3 238 and died about 1813 in Windsor, Hillsborough Co., Vermont 3 238 about age 51. SPOUSE NOTES
See the
James HUCKINS Entry for this Couple's Children and Descendants.
26. (Lieut) John MONTGOMERY 285 (Jonathan 5, John 4, Hugh Barrington Town Clerk 3, Robert Jr. 2, Robert Sr. 1) was born 3 Mar 1780 in Strafford, Strafford Co., NH, died 21 Nov 1836 in Barrington, Strafford Co., NH 285 at age 56, and was buried 23 Nov 1836 in Barrington, Strafford Co., NH. ADDED NOTES
John married Abigail PITTMAN 292 about 1800. Abigail was born 26 Sep 1783 in Barnstead, NH,285 was baptized 10 Aug 1822 in Barrington, Strafford Co., NH, died 7 Jul 1861 in Barrington, Strafford Co., NH 293 at age 77, and was buried 8 Jul 1861 in Barrington, Strafford Co., NH.285 SPOUSE NOTES
Children from this marriage were:
31. | i. | (Hon.) Samuel P[ittman?] MONTGOMERY 294 was born circa 1802 in Barrington, Strafford Co., NH. CHILD NOTES
32. | ii. |
John MONTGOMERY Jr was born about 1805 in Barrington, Strafford Co., NH, died 3 May 1846 in Strafford Ridge, Strafford Co., NH about age 41, and was buried 4 May 1846.
34. | iv. | Sally Jane MONTGOMERY , Suffered from childhood w a broken hip was born 23 Jun 1811 in Strafford Ridge, Strafford Co., NH, died 25 Jan 1848 in Barrington, Strafford Co., NH at age 36, and was buried 27 Jan 1848. CHILD NOTES
35. | v. |
Susan MONTGOMERY 40 was born 5 Oct 1812 in Barrington, Strafford Co., NH 40 and died 1 Dec 1898 in Strafford, Strafford Co., NH at age 86.
37. | vii. | Mercy E[lizabeth?] MONTGOMERY 202 was born about 1819 in Strafford Ridge, Barrington, Strafford Co., NH.202 CHILD NOTES
27. (Capt) Paul MONTGOMERY 286 287 (Jonathan 5, John 4, Hugh Barrington Town Clerk 3, Robert Jr. 2, Robert Sr. 1) was born about 1782 in Barrington, Strafford Co., NH,287 died 12 Apr 1841 in Barrington, Strafford Co., NH 287 about age 59, and was buried 14 Apr 1841 in Barrington, Strafford Co., NH.287 ADDED NOTES
Paul married Mary EMERSON 6 May 1805 in Strafford Co., New Hampshire by Rev. William Hooper. Mary was born circa 1785 of Madbury, Strafford Co., NH and died after 27 Aug 1848 of Barrington, Strafford Co., NH. MARRIAGE NOTES
Children from this marriage were:
38. | i. | Sarah Ann MONTGOMERY 298 was born about 1812 in Barrington, Strafford Co., NH,298 died 25 Aug 1848 in Barrington, Strafford Co., NH 298 about age 36, and was buried 27 Aug 1848. CHILD NOTES
Sarah married (Dr) Ward B MASON 298 25 Sep 1831 in Strafford Co., NH by Rev. Enoch Hayes Place.295 Ward was born circa 1810 of Barrington, Strafford Co., NH 298 and died about Apr 1848 in Pleasant Grove, Illinois 298 about age 38. SPOUSE NOTES
39. | ii. | (Capt) Nathaniel MONTGOMERY was born circa 1815 in Barrington, Strafford Co., NH, died 19 Jul 1856 in Found hanging by his head in the fork of a willow tree in Portsmouth, Rockingham Co., NH at age 41, and was buried 16 Nov 1866 in Barrington, Strafford Co., NH by Rev. Enoch Hayes Place. CHILD NOTES
40. | iii. | Jonathan H. MONTGOMERY was born about 1822 in Barrington, Strafford Co., NH. CHILD NOTES
Jonathan married Sarah E. STILES 25 Nov 1850 in Strafford Co., New Hampshire by Rev. Elias Hutchins. Sarah was born circa 1830 of Strafford Co., New Hampshire.
41. | iv. | Mary Elizabeth MONTGOMERY was born 19 Dec 1819 in Strafford Ridge, Strafford Co., NH and died 13 Apr 1862 in Strafford Ridge, Strafford Co., NH at age 42. CHILD NOTES
Mary married John C. FOSS 24 May 1852 in Strafford, Strafford Co., NH.299 300 John was born circa 1818 in Prob Barrington, Strafford Co., NH and died after 13 Apr 1862 of Strafford Ridge, Strafford Co., NH.
29. Elizabeth "Betsey" MONTGOMERY (Jonathan 5, John 4, Hugh Barrington Town Clerk 3, Robert Jr. 2, Robert Sr. 1) was born 7 Mar 1789 in Barrington, Strafford Co., NH,3 289 died 1 Dec 1862 in Barrington, Strafford Co., NH 3 290 at age 73, and was buried in Barrington, Strafford Co., NH by Rev. Enoch Hayes Place.
Betsey married Isaac FOSS (See Link for Ancestry), son of William FOSS and Elizabeth HAYES , 22 Dec 1809 in Strafford Ridge, Barrington, Strafford Co., NH. Isaac was born 22 Nov 1787 in Dover, Strafford Co., NH and died of Barrington, Strafford Co., NH.
Children from this marriage were:
42. | i. | Tamson FOSS was born 3 Oct 1810 in Strafford Ridge, Barrington, Strafford Co., NH.
Tamson married Mark FOSS 2 Jan 1828 in Strafford Ridge, Barrington, Strafford Co., NH. Mark was born 11 Jul 1787 in Barrington, Strafford Co., NH.
43. | ii. | Benjamin H. FOSS was born 12 Sep 1812 in Strafford Ridge, Barrington, Strafford Co., NH.
Benjamin married Mary CALVERLEY 11 Apr 1844 in Strafford, Strafford Co., NH. Mary was born about 1825 in Strafford Ridge, Barrington, Strafford Co., NH.
44. | iii. | George Washington FOSS was born 6 Apr 1817 in Strafford Ridge, Barrington, Strafford Co., NH.
George married Mary Jane NUTTER circa 1865. Mary was born circa 1840 in Strafford, Strafford Co., NH.
32. John MONTGOMERY Jr (John ((Lieut)) 6, Jonathan 5, John 4, Hugh Barrington Town Clerk 3, Robert Jr. 2, Robert Sr. 1) was born about 1805 in Barrington, Strafford Co., NH, died 3 May 1846 in Strafford Ridge, Strafford Co., NH about age 41, and was buried 4 May 1846. ADDED NOTES
John married Eliza OTIS 23 Dec 1830 in Strafford Co., NH by Rev. Enoch Hayes Place.295 Eliza was born about 1806 of Strafford Co., New Hampshire, died about 1888 in Strafford, Strafford Co., NH about age 82, and was buried in Strafford, Strafford Co., NH.
Children from this marriage were:
45. | i. |
Charles F MONTGOMERY was born about 1832 in Strafford, Strafford Co., NH and died about 1888 about age 56.
46. | ii. | George MONTGOMERY was born circa 1835 in Strafford, Strafford Co., NH. CHILD NOTES
33. (Col) David Knowlton MONTGOMERY 296 (John ((Lieut)) 6, Jonathan 5, John 4, Hugh Barrington Town Clerk 3, Robert Jr. 2, Robert Sr. 1) was born in Nov 1807 in Strafford, Strafford Co., NH 296 and died 14 Feb 1889 in Portsmouth, Rockingham Co., NH 241 at age 81. ADDED NOTES
David married Mary Ann WINKLEY 296 17 Sep 1835 in Strafford, Strafford Co., NH. Mary was born about 1810 and died after 1 Jun 1850 of Strafford, Strafford Co., NH.301
Children from this marriage were:
47. | i. | John S MONTGOMERY 301 was born about 1837 in Prob Strafford Co., New Hampshire.301
48. | ii. | David K MONTGOMERY 301 was born about 1839 in Prob Strafford Co., New Hampshire.301
49. | iii. | Loraine P. MONTGOMERY 301 was born about Apr 1850 in Strafford, Strafford Co., NH.301
35. Susan MONTGOMERY 40 (John ((Lieut)) 6, Jonathan 5, John 4, Hugh Barrington Town Clerk 3, Robert Jr. 2, Robert Sr. 1) was born 5 Oct 1812 in Barrington, Strafford Co., NH 40 and died 1 Dec 1898 in Strafford, Strafford Co., NH at age 86.
Susan married (Capt) Stephen LEIGHTON (See Link for Ancestry), son of Stephen LEIGHTON and Mary "Polly" EMERSON, 24 Oct 1833 in Barrington, Strafford Co., NH.226 Stephen was born 18 Apr 1813 in Barrington, Strafford Co., NH, died 11 Aug 1896 in Strafford, Strafford Co., NH at age 83, and was buried in Family cemetery near Willey Pond, Strafford, NH.
See the
(Capt) Stephen LEIGHTON Entry for this Couple's Children and Descendants.
36. Tamson H[ayes?] MONTGOMERY 202 297 (John ((Lieut)) 6, Jonathan 5, John 4, Hugh Barrington Town Clerk 3, Robert Jr. 2, Robert Sr. 1) was born about 1815 in Strafford Ridge, Barrington, Strafford Co., NH 202 297 and died about 1898 in Barrington, Strafford Co., NH about age 83. ADDED NOTES
Tamson married Isaac K. DEMERITT 297 21 Jun 1840 in Strafford Co., NH by S[amuel]. P. Montgomery, Esq..297 Isaac was born about 1811 in New Hampshire 297 and died about 1886 in Barrington, Strafford Co., NH about age 75. MARRIAGE NOTES
Children from this marriage were:
50. | i. | Richard L. DEMERITT 297 was born about 1841 in Strafford Co., New Hampshire.297
51. | ii. | Abigail J. 'Abbie' DEMERITT 297 was born about 1842 in Strafford Co., New Hampshire.297
52. | iii. | Mercy DEMERITT was born about 1846 in Strafford Co., New Hampshire.297
53. | iv. | John J. DEMERITT 297 was born about 1850 in Strafford Co., New Hampshire.297
54. | v. | Olive A. DEMERITT 297 was born about 1853 in Strafford Co., New Hampshire.297
55. | vi. | Samuel P. DEMERITT 297 was born about 1856 in Strafford Co., New Hampshire.297
45. Charles F MONTGOMERY (John Jr 7, John ((Lieut)) 6, Jonathan 5, John 4, Hugh Barrington Town Clerk 3, Robert Jr. 2, Robert Sr. 1) was born about 1832 in Strafford, Strafford Co., NH and died about 1888 about age 56. ADDED NOTES
Charles married Mary E LOCKE circa 1855. Mary was born circa 1835.
Children from this marriage were:
56. | i. | Annie Jenness MONTGOMERY was born about 1865.
Annie married Wilbert S DAVIS circa 1885. Wilbert was born circa 1865.
57. | ii. | Mary Addie MONTGOMERY was born about 1868.
Mary married George HUSE circa 1885. George was born circa 1865.
58. | iii. | Georgianna MONTGOMERY was born circa 1870.
Georgianna married William WIGGIN circa 1890. William was born cor 1870.
59. | iv. | Francis Ada MONTGOMERY was born about 1873 and died about 1954 about age 81.
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