Some Descendants of Edward PHILLPOTT Jr.
(None of this Family are Direct Ancestors or Descendants of Louise Anna (KIELLEY) BOOTH)
Copyright 2007-2009 by Ancestry Register LLC and Terry J. Booth
. All reproduction or reuse is prohibited, in whole or in part, without written permission of the author and Ancestry Register LLC.
1. Edward PHILLPOTT Jr. 326 327 was born circa 1665 and died before 31 Oct 1718 in Charles Co., Maryland.326 ADDED NOTES
Edward married Susannah POSEY (See Link for Ancestry),326 327 daughter of John POSEY Sr. [Dna Linked Line] and Susannah (POSEY) UNKNOWN, before 14 Jan 1686/87.326 Susannah was born circa 1670 in Prob Wicomico Hundred, Charles Co., Maryland and died before 1705 in Prob Charles Co., Maryland. SPOUSE NOTES
Children from this marriage were:
2. | i. |
Edward PHILLPOTT 326 was born 14 Jan 1686/87 in Charles Co., Maryland 326 and died about 1725 in Charles Co., Maryland about age 38.
3. | ii. | Susannah PHILLPOTT 326 was born 9 Jun 1690 in Charles Co., Maryland 326 and died after 23 Feb 1724/25. CHILD NOTES
Susannah married Charles MUSGROVE 326 after 5 Feb 1724/25.326 Charles was born circa 1680.326
4. | iii. |
John PHILLPOTT 326 was born 13 Oct 1692 in Wicomico Hundred, Charles Co., Maryland 326 and died before 23 Mar 1749/50 in Charles Co., Maryland.
5. | iv. |
Charles PHILLPOTT was born 10 Feb 1697/98 in Charles Co., Maryland and died before 12 Nov 1753 in Charles Co., Maryland.
2. Edward PHILLPOTT 326 (Edward Jr. 1) was born 14 Jan 1686/87 in Charles Co., Maryland 326 and died about 1725 in Charles Co., Maryland about age 38.
Edward married Margaret COURTS circa 1708. Margaret was born circa 1690.
Children from this marriage were:
6. | i. | John PHILLPOTT was born circa 1709 in Charles Co., Maryland.
7. | ii. | Edward PHILLPOTT was born circa 1711 in Charles Co., Maryland.
4. John PHILLPOTT 326 (Edward Jr. 1) was born 13 Oct 1692 in Wicomico Hundred, Charles Co., Maryland 326 and died before 23 Mar 1749/50 in Charles Co., Maryland. ADDED NOTES
John married Anne COTTRELL, daughter of James COTTRELL and Anne (COTTRELL) UNKNOWN. Anne was born circa 1695 in Charles Co., Maryland. MARRIAGE NOTES
The child from this marriage was:
5. Charles PHILLPOTT (Edward Jr. 1) was born 10 Feb 1697/98 in Charles Co., Maryland and died before 12 Nov 1753 in Charles Co., Maryland. ADDED NOTES
Charles married Elizabeth Barton SMOOTE before 5 Sep 1717 in Prob Charles Co., Maryland. Elizabeth was born circa 1699 in Charles Co., Maryland and died before 1752 in Charles Co., Maryland.
The child from this marriage was:
9. | i. |
John T. PHILLPOTT was born about 1720 in Charles Co., Maryland and died before 30 May 1762 in Charles Co., Maryland.
8. Francis PHILLPOTT (John 2, Edward Jr. 1) was born circa 1725 328 and died before 11 Mar 1749/50.
Francis married Jemima POSEY (See Link for Ancestry),328 daughter of Benjamin 'Carpenter' POSEY Jr. and Patience BATEMAN, circa 1748. Jemima was born circa 1730 in Charles Co., Maryland.328 SPOUSE NOTES
The child from this marriage was:
10. | i. | Hanson Hobart PHILLPOTT was born circa 1750 in Charles Co., Maryland.
9. John T. PHILLPOTT (Charles 2, Edward Jr. 1) was born about 1720 in Charles Co., Maryland and died before 30 May 1762 in Charles Co., Maryland.
John married Mary POSEY circa 1740 in Prob Charles Co., Maryland. Mary was born circa 1722 in Charles Co., Maryland and died circa 1746 in Charles Co., Maryland at age 24.
Children from this marriage were:
11. | i. | John PHILLPOTT was born circa 1742 in Charles Co., Maryland and died of Henry Co., Virginia.
John married Nancy POSEY, daughter of Humphrey POSEY [VA to Spartanburg Line 2] and Elizabeth (POSEY) UNKNOWN, in 1783 in Henry Co., Virginia by William Lovell Minister. Nancy was born circa 1758 in Perhaps Henry Co., Virginia and died of Henry Co., Virginia.
12. | ii. | David PHILLPOTT was born circa 1746 in Charles Co., Maryland.
John next married Mary E (GLOVER) KEECH about Aug 1747 in Prob Charles Co., Maryland. Mary was born circa 1720 in Charles Co., Maryland and died circa 1766 in Charles Co., Maryland at age 46.
The child from this marriage was:
13. | i. | (Pvt.) Charles Thomas PHILLPOTT was born circa 1753 in Prob Charles Co., Maryland and died of Henry Co., Virginia. CHILD NOTES
Charles married Elizabeth HUBBARD about 1794 in Perhaps Henry Co., Virginia. Elizabeth was born circa 1770 and died of Henry Co., Virginia.
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