Some Descendants of Nicholas TIBBETTS
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1. Nicholas TIBBETTS 251 252 was born about 1555 of Stratford On Avon, Warwick, England.251 Another name for Nicholas was Nicolai TIBBATS.
Nicholas married Mary BAKER 251 31 Jul 1580 in England. Mary was born about 1559 of Stratford On Avon, Warwick, England.
Children from this marriage were:
3. | ii. |
Henry TIBBETTS 253 was born 4 Jul 1596 in Stratford On Avon, Warwick, England 253 and died before 27 Jun 1676 in Dover Neck, Strafford Co., NH.3 252
2. Remembrance TIBBETTS 72 250 (Nicholas 1) was born in 1607 in England 72 250 and died of Durham, Strafford Co., NH. ADDED NOTES
Remembrance married John AULT,72 250 son of John AULT and Wife of John (AULT) UNKNOWN, in 1640 in Dover, Strafford Co., NH.3 John was born in 1606 in England 250 and died 18 Jul 1694 in Killed by Indians in Adams Garrison, Durham, Strafford Co., NH 250 at age 88. SPOUSE NOTES
The child from this marriage was:
4. | i. |
Rebecca AULT 72 249 250 was born in 1641 in Durham, Strafford Co., NH 3 and died after 1715 in Prob Durham, Strafford Co., NH.72
| Henry TIBBETTS - First of this Line to America |  |
3. Henry TIBBETTS 253 (Nicholas 1) was born 4 Jul 1596 in Stratford On Avon, Warwick, England 253 and died before 27 Jun 1676 in Dover Neck, Strafford Co., NH.3 252 Another name for Henry was Henricus TIBBATTS. ADDED NOTES
Henry married Elizabeth AUSTIN 252 about 1630 in Prob Warwickshire or London, England.3 Elizabeth was born about 1596 in England 252 and died before 1676 in Dover Neck, Strafford Co., NH.252 SPOUSE NOTES
Children from this marriage were:
6. | ii. | Samuel TIBBETTS was born in 1633 in England.
7. | iii. | Rebecca TIBBETTS was born between 1636 and 1637 in Prob Oyster River (Now Durham), Strafford Co., NH and died 30 Mar 1680 in Dover Neck, Strafford Co., NH.
4. Rebecca AULT 72 249 250 (Remembrance TIBBETTS 2, Nicholas 1) was born in 1641 in Durham, Strafford Co., NH 3 and died after 1715 in Prob Durham, Strafford Co., NH.72
Rebecca married Thomas EDGERLY Sr. (See Link for Ancestry) 249 28 Sep 1665 in Durham, Strafford Co., NH.72 249 250 Thomas was born in 1637 in Great Milton, Oxfordshire, England 3 and died after 1717 in Durham, Strafford Co., NH.72 SPOUSE NOTES
See the
Thomas EDGERLY Sr. Entry for this Couple's Children and Descendants.
Rebecca next married Henry HALLOWELL 72 249 in 1660 in Prob Durham, Strafford Co., NH. Henry was born about 1637 in Durham, Strafford Co., NH 3 and died before 1665 in Prob Durham, Strafford Co., NH.
5. Jeremiah TIBBETTS Sr. (Henry 2, Nicholas 1) was born in 1631 in England 252 254 and died in Mar 1676/77 in Dover Neck, Strafford Co., NH 252 254 at age 46. Another name for Jeremiah was "Jerimy." ADDED NOTES
Jeremiah married Mary CANNEY, daughter of Thomas CANNEY Sr. ("The Immigrant") and Mary LOAME, about May 1654 in Dover Neck, Strafford Co., NH.252 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 Mary was born in 1635 in Dover Neck, Strafford Co., NH 252 and died 2 Jul 1706 in Dover Neck, Strafford Co., NH 252 at age 71. MARRIAGE NOTES
Children from this marriage were:
8. | i. |
Jeremiah TIBBETTS was born 5 Jun 1656 in Dover Neck, Strafford Co., NH and died before 17 Dec 1743.
9. | ii. | Mary TIBBETTS was born 15 Apr 1658 in Dover Neck, Strafford Co., NH 252 and died before 1688. CHILD NOTES
10. | iii. | Capt. Thomas TIBBETTS was born 24 Feb 1658/59 in Dover Neck, Strafford Co., NH 254 261 and died in 1748 in Dover Neck, Strafford Co., NH 261 262 at age 89. CHILD NOTES
11. | iv. | Hannah TIBBETTS was born 25 Feb 1660/61 in Dover Neck, Strafford Co., NH.
12. | v. |
Joseph TIBBETTS was born 7 Aug 1663 in Dover Neck, Strafford Co., NH and died in 1746 in Dover Neck, Strafford Co., NH at age 83.
13. | vi. | Capt. Samuel TIBBETTS was born in 1666 in Dover Neck, Strafford Co., NH and died 9 Dec 1738 in Dover Neck, Strafford Co., NH at age 72.
14. | vii. | Benjamin TIBBETTS was born about 1668 in Dover Neck, Strafford Co., NH.
15. | viii. | Ephraim TIBBETTS was born about 1669 in Dover Neck, Strafford Co., NH and died in Dover Neck, Strafford Co., NH.
16. | ix. | Martha TIBBETTS was born about 1670.
17. | x. |
Elizabeth TIBBETTS was born about 1672 in Dover Neck, Strafford Co., NH and died after 7 Nov 1732.
18. | xi. | Nathaniel TIBBETTS was born between 1673 and 1674 in Dover Neck, Strafford Co., NH and died after 4 Nov 1705. CHILD NOTES
19. | xii. | Henry TIBBETTS was born between 1675 and 1676 in Dover Neck, Strafford Co., NH 252 and died 14 Aug 1727 in Dover Neck, Strafford Co., NH.252 CHILD NOTES
8. Jeremiah TIBBETTS (Jeremiah Sr. 3, Henry 2, Nicholas 1) was born 5 Jun 1656 in Dover Neck, Strafford Co., NH and died before 17 Dec 1743.
Jeremiah married Mary TWOMBLY, daughter of Ralph TWOMBLY and Elizabeth (TWOMBLY) UNKNOWN, about 1678 in Dover Neck, Strafford Co., NH. Mary was born 15 Apr 1658 in Dover Neck, Strafford Co., NH and died after 1720. SPOUSE NOTES
Children from this marriage were:
20. | i. | Mary TIBBETTS was born about 1679.
21. | ii. | Jeremiah TIBBETTS was born about 1681 and died 31 Aug 1709 about age 28. CHILD NOTES
22. | iii. |
John TIBBETTS was born about 1683 in Dover Neck, Strafford Co., NH and died before 2 May 1750 in Durham, Strafford Co., NH.
23. | iv. | Timothy TIBBETTS was born about 1685 in Dover Neck, Strafford Co., NH. CHILD NOTES
24. | v. | Joan TIBBETTS was born about 1686 in Dover Neck, Strafford Co., NH.
12. Joseph TIBBETTS (Jeremiah Sr. 3, Henry 2, Nicholas 1) was born 7 Aug 1663 in Dover Neck, Strafford Co., NH and died in 1746 in Dover Neck, Strafford Co., NH at age 83.
Joseph married Elizabeth (TIBBETTS) UNKNOWN about 1696. Elizabeth was born 26 Dec 1672 and died 24 Feb 1706/07 at age 34.
Children from this marriage were:
25. | i. | Elizabeth TIBBETTS was born 10 Mar 1696/97 in Dover Neck, Strafford Co., NH.
26. | ii. | Margery TIBBETTS was born 18 Jan 1700/01 in Dover Neck, Strafford Co., NH.
27. | iii. |
Judith TIBBETTS was born 3 Feb 1701/02 in Dover Neck, Strafford Co., NH.
28. | iv. | Lydia TIBBETTS was born 4 Aug 1704 in Dover Neck, Strafford Co., NH.
29. | v. | Joseph TIBBETTS was born 2 Feb 1706/07 in Dover Neck, Strafford Co., NH.
Joseph next married Catherine MASON in 1711. Catherine was born about 1691.
Children from this marriage were:
30. | i. | Catherine TIBBETTS was born 24 Aug 1713 in Dover Neck, Strafford Co., NH and died after 1761.
31. | ii. | Mary TIBBETTS was born 11 Oct 1716 in Dover Neck, Strafford Co., NH.
32. | iii. | Hannah TIBBETTS was born 23 Jun 1721 in Dover Neck, Strafford Co., NH.
17. Elizabeth TIBBETTS (Jeremiah Sr. 3, Henry 2, Nicholas 1) was born about 1672 in Dover Neck, Strafford Co., NH and died after 7 Nov 1732.
Elizabeth married John BICKFORD, son of Thomas BICKFORD and Joanna LIBBY, 1 Dec 1692 in Dover, Strafford Co., NH. John was born about 1665 of Dover Neck, Strafford Co., NH and died 27 Apr 1757 in Dover, Strafford Co., NH about age 92. SPOUSE NOTES
Children from this marriage were:
33. | i. | Martha BICKFORD was born 23 Jul 1693 in Dover Neck, Strafford Co., NH.
34. | ii. | Thomas BICKFORD was born 18 May 1694 in Dover, Strafford Co., NH and died in 1765 in Madbury, Strafford Co., NH at age 71.
36. | iv. | Henry BICKFORD was born 1 Jan 1701/02 of Dover Neck, Strafford Co., NH.
37. | v. | Joseph BICKFORD was born 8 Mar 1705/06.
22. John TIBBETTS (Jeremiah 4, Jeremiah Sr. 3, Henry 2, Nicholas 1) was born about 1683 in Dover Neck, Strafford Co., NH and died before 2 May 1750 in Durham, Strafford Co., NH.
John married Sarah MEADER,3 daughter of John Jr. MEADER and Sarah FOLLETT, between 1710 and 1711. Sarah was born 29 Aug 1685 in Oyster River (Now Durham), Strafford Co., NH 263 and died about 1725 of Durham, Strafford Co., NH about age 40. SPOUSE NOTES
Children from this marriage were:
38. | i. | John TIBBETTS was born 14 Nov 1711 in Dover, Strafford Co., NH 264 and died 16 Jan 1782 in Dover, Strafford Co., NH at age 70.
John married Tamson RICKER 265 about 1736. Tamson was born circa 1712 and died of Dover, Strafford Co., NH.
39. | ii. |
Jeremiah TIBBETTS was born 4 May 1713 in Dover Neck, Strafford Co., NH 266 and died 25 Feb 1804 in Barrington, Strafford Co., NH at age 90.
40. | iii. | Nathaniel TIBBETTS was born 28 Feb 1719/20 in New Hampshire 267 and died in New Hampshire. CHILD NOTES
John next married Tamson MESERVE about 1724. Tamson was born about 1682 in Dover, Strafford Co., NH.
The child from this marriage was:
41. | i. | Sarah TIBBETTS was born 18 Aug 1725. CHILD NOTES
27. Judith TIBBETTS (Joseph 4, Jeremiah Sr. 3, Henry 2, Nicholas 1) was born 3 Feb 1701/02 in Dover Neck, Strafford Co., NH.
Judith married John BICKFORD (See Link for Ancestry), son of John BICKFORD and Elizabeth TIBBETTS, about 1719. John was born 10 Mar 1697/98.
The child from this marriage was:
42. | i. |
Martha BICKFORD was born circa 1720 and died of Barrington, Strafford Co., NH.
35. John BICKFORD (Elizabeth TIBBETTS 4, Jeremiah Sr. 3, Henry 2, Nicholas 1) was born 10 Mar 1697/98.
John married Judith TIBBETTS (See Link for Ancestry), daughter of Joseph TIBBETTS and Elizabeth (TIBBETTS) UNKNOWN, about 1719. Judith was born 3 Feb 1701/02 in Dover Neck, Strafford Co., NH.
See the
Judith TIBBETTS Entry for this Couple's Children and Descendants.
39. Jeremiah TIBBETTS (John 5, Jeremiah 4, Jeremiah Sr. 3, Henry 2, Nicholas 1) was born 4 May 1713 in Dover Neck, Strafford Co., NH 266 and died 25 Feb 1804 in Barrington, Strafford Co., NH at age 90. ADDED NOTES
Jeremiah married Martha BICKFORD (See Link for Ancestry), daughter of John BICKFORD and Judith TIBBETTS, circa 1743. Martha was born circa 1720 and died of Barrington, Strafford Co., NH.
Children from this marriage were:
43. | i. | Sarah TIBBETTS was born in Nov 1744.
44. | ii. |
Betsey TIBBETTS was born circa 1750 in Dover, Strafford Co., NH and died before 1782 in Prob Madbury, Strafford, NH.
45. | iii. | Hannah TIBBETTS was born 11 Feb 1754.
46. | iv. | Mary TIBBETTS was born about 1756.
47. | v. | Joseph TIBBETTS was born about 1765 in Barrington, Strafford Co., NH and died before 20 Nov 1806.
48. | vi. | Lydia TIBBETTS was born 5 Sep 1766 in Barrington, Strafford Co., NH and died 24 Nov 1820 in Madbury, Strafford Co., NH at age 54.
42. Martha BICKFORD (Judith TIBBETTS 5, Joseph 4, Jeremiah Sr. 3, Henry 2, Nicholas 1) was born circa 1720 and died of Barrington, Strafford Co., NH.
Martha married Jeremiah TIBBETTS (See Link for Ancestry), son of John TIBBETTS and Sarah MEADER, circa 1743. Jeremiah was born 4 May 1713 in Dover Neck, Strafford Co., NH 266 and died 25 Feb 1804 in Barrington, Strafford Co., NH at age 90. SPOUSE NOTES
See the
Jeremiah TIBBETTS Entry for this Couple's Children and Descendants.
44. Betsey TIBBETTS (Jeremiah 6, John 5, Jeremiah 4, Jeremiah Sr. 3, Henry 2, Nicholas 1) was born circa 1750 in Dover, Strafford Co., NH and died before 1782 in Prob Madbury, Strafford, NH. ADDED NOTES
Betsey married Ebenezer KIELLE (See Link for Ancestry),90 son of James KIELLE and Deborah STILES, circa 1770 in New Hampshire. Ebenezer was born 14 Mar 1745/46 in Dover, Strafford Co., NH,89 91 was baptized 1 Jun 1746 in First Church, Dover, Strafford, New Hampshire,92 died 22 Sep 1820 in Strafford Ridge, Strafford Co., NH 93 at age 74, and was buried 25 Sep 1820 in Prob Strafford Co., New Hampshire. Other names for Ebenezer were * Ebenezer KELLEY, and89 * Ebenezer KIELLIE. MARRIAGE NOTES
See the
Ebenezer KIELLE Entry for this Couple's Children and Descendants.
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