Some Descendants of John HAM
(None of this Family are Direct Ancestors or Descendants of Louise Anna (KIELLEY) BOOTH)
Copyright 2007-2009 by Ancestry Register LLC and Terry J. Booth
. All reproduction or reuse is prohibited, in whole or in part, without written permission of the author and Ancestry Register LLC.
1. John HAM was born circa 1645 and died about 29 Sep 1727 of Dover, Strafford Co., NH about age 82. ADDED NOTES
John married Mary HEARD (See Link for Ancestry),303 daughter of (Capt.) John HEARD and Elizabeth HULL, 6 May 1668.303 Mary was born 26 Jan 1649/50 in Dover, Strafford Co., NH 303 and died 7 Dec 1706 in Dover, Strafford Co., NH 303 at age 56. MARRIAGE NOTES
Children from this marriage were:
2. | i. |
Mary HAM was born 2 Oct 1668 in Dover, Strafford Co., NH.
3. | ii. |
John HAM was born before 1671 in Dover, Strafford Co., NH, died 11 Jan 1754 of Dover, Strafford Co., NH, and was buried in Pine Hill Cemetery, Dover, Strafford Co., NH.
5. | iv. |
Joseph HAM was born 3 Jun 1678 in Dover, Strafford Co., NH and died about 1723 in Dover, Strafford Co., NH about age 45.
6. | v. |
Benjamin HAM was born about 1693 in Dover, Strafford Co., NH and died 5 Mar 1781 about age 88.
2. Mary HAM (John 1) was born 2 Oct 1668 in Dover, Strafford Co., NH.
Mary married John HORNE (See Link for Ancestry), son of William HORNE and Elizabeth CLOUGH, 30 Jun 1686 in Dover, Strafford Co., NH. John was born 25 Oct 1663 in Dover, Strafford Co., NH and died of Dover, Strafford Co., NH.
The child from this marriage was:
7. | i. |
Mary HORNE was born about 1691 in Prob Dover, Strafford Co., NH.
3. John HAM (John 1) was born before 1671 in Dover, Strafford Co., NH, died 11 Jan 1754 of Dover, Strafford Co., NH, and was buried in Pine Hill Cemetery, Dover, Strafford Co., NH.
John married Elizabeth KNIGHT 14 Mar 1697/98 in Dover, Strafford Co., NH. Elizabeth was born circa 1671, died about 1739 of Dover, Strafford Co., NH about age 68, and was buried in Pine Hill Cemetery, Dover, Strafford Co., NH. MARRIAGE NOTES
Children from this marriage were:
8. | i. |
John HAM was born about 1699 in Dover, Strafford Co., NH and died about 1763 of Dover, Strafford Co., NH about age 64.
9. | ii. |
Samuel HAM 13 was born about 1708 in Dover, Strafford Co., NH,13 was baptized 26 Aug 1739, and died about 1739 of Dover, Strafford Co., NH 13 about age 31.
10. | iii. |
Ephraim HAM was born about 1710 in Dover, Strafford Co., NH and died of Dover, Strafford Co., NH.
4. Samuel HAM 304 (John 1) was born in 1672 in Dover, Strafford Co., NH.303
Samuel married Elizabeth SLOPER ?,305 daughter of Richard SLOPER ? and Mary SHERBORNE, circa 1700.305 Elizabeth was born 26 Jun 1671 in Portsmouth, Rockingham Co., NH.305 SPOUSE NOTES
Children from this marriage were:
11. | i. |
Eleazor HAM 13 was born about 1700 13 and died of Rochester, Strafford Co., NH.13
12. | ii. |
Abigail HAM 223 225 was born 15 Mar 1709/10 in Durham, Strafford Co., NH 223 and died 30 Nov 1768 in Durham, Strafford Co., NH 223 at age 58.
5. Joseph HAM (John 1) was born 3 Jun 1678 in Dover, Strafford Co., NH and died about 1723 in Dover, Strafford Co., NH about age 45.
Joseph married Tamson MESERVE about 1704 in Prob Dover, Strafford Co., NH. Tamson was born about 1682 in Dover, Strafford Co., NH.
The child from this marriage was:
13. | i. |
Jonathan HAM was born 8 Jun 1720 in Dover, Strafford Co., NH and died about 1793 in New Hampshire about age 73.
6. Benjamin HAM (John 1) was born about 1693 in Dover, Strafford Co., NH and died 5 Mar 1781 about age 88.
Benjamin married Patience HARTFORD 21 Apr 1720 in Prob Strafford, Strafford Co., NH. Patience was born circa 1695 in Prob Dover, Strafford Co., NH. MARRIAGE NOTES
The child from this marriage was:
14. | i. |
John HAM was born about 1736 in New Hampshire and died about 1824 about age 88.
7. Mary HORNE (Mary HAM 2, John 1) was born about 1691 in Prob Dover, Strafford Co., NH.
Mary married Benjamin HANSON 25 Jul 1715 in Dover, Strafford Co., NH. Benjamin was born about 1695 of Dover, Strafford Co., NH and died about 1729 about age 34.
The child from this marriage was:
15. | i. |
Lydia HANSON was born 27 Feb 1721/22 in Somersworth, Strafford Co. NH and died about Aug 1824 in Somersworth, Strafford Co. NH about age 102.
8. John HAM (John 2, John 1) was born about 1699 in Dover, Strafford Co., NH and died about 1763 of Dover, Strafford Co., NH about age 64.
John married Abigail (HAM) UNKNOWN about 1723. Abigail was born circa 1700 and died of Dover, Strafford Co., NH.
The child from this marriage was:
16. | i. |
Elizabeth HAM was born about Sep 1725 and was baptized 16 Jun 1728 in Dover, Strafford Co., NH.
9. Samuel HAM 13 (John 2, John 1) was born about 1708 in Dover, Strafford Co., NH,13 was baptized 26 Aug 1739, and died about 1739 of Dover, Strafford Co., NH 13 about age 31. ADDED NOTES
Samuel married Lydia ROBERTS 306 circa 1730.306 Lydia was born 11 Apr 1712 in Dover Neck, Strafford Co., NH 306 and died of Dover, Strafford Co., NH.306
The child from this marriage was:
10. Ephraim HAM (John 2, John 1) was born about 1710 in Dover, Strafford Co., NH and died of Dover, Strafford Co., NH.
Ephraim married Anna WENTWORTH (See Link for Ancestry), daughter of Ephraim WENTWORTH and Mary MILLER, circa 1730. Anna was born circa 1710 in Prob New Hampshire and died of Dover, Strafford Co., NH. MARRIAGE NOTES
The child from this marriage was:
18. | i. |
Ephraim HAM 13 was born about 1731 in Dover, Strafford Co., NH,13 was baptized 9 Nov 1739 in First Church of Dover, Strafford Co., NH, and died about 15 Apr 1806 of Dover, Strafford Co., NH 13 about age 75.
11. Eleazor HAM 13 (Samuel 2, John 1) was born about 1700 13 and died of Rochester, Strafford Co., NH.13 ADDED NOTES
Eleazor married Elizabeth CARR 307 circa 1720.307 Elizabeth was born circa 1700 307 and died of Rochester, Strafford Co., NH.307
The child from this marriage was:
19. | i. | Eleazor HAM 3 was born about 1736 in Rochester, Strafford Co., NH and died about 5 Jan 1826 in Rochester, Strafford Co., NH about age 90. CHILD NOTES
Eleazor married Lydia ROBERTS.3 3 Lydia was born circa 1735.
12. Abigail HAM 223 225 (Samuel 2, John 1) was born 15 Mar 1709/10 in Durham, Strafford Co., NH 223 and died 30 Nov 1768 in Durham, Strafford Co., NH 223 at age 58.
Abigail married John LEIGHTON (See Link for Ancestry), son of Thomas LEIGHTON III and Deborah (LEIGHTON) UNKNOWN, 7 Nov 1728 in Dover, Strafford Co., NH.223 225 John was born about 1706 in Dover, Strafford Co., NH and died about Nov 1756 about age 50. MARRIAGE NOTES
See the
John LEIGHTON Entry for this Couple's Children and Descendants.
13. Jonathan HAM (Joseph 2, John 1) was born 8 Jun 1720 in Dover, Strafford Co., NH and died about 1793 in New Hampshire about age 73.
Jonathan married Elizabeth HAM (See Link for Ancestry), daughter of John HAM and Abigail (HAM) UNKNOWN, about 1744 in Strafford Co., New Hampshire. Elizabeth was born about Sep 1725 and was baptized 16 Jun 1728 in Dover, Strafford Co., NH.
The child from this marriage was:
20. | i. |
Abigail HAM was born 12 Jun 1748 and died of Portsmouth, Rockingham Co., NH.
14. John HAM (Benjamin 2, John 1) was born about 1736 in New Hampshire and died about 1824 about age 88.
John married Elizabeth SEAVEY circa 1760 in Prob New Hampshire. Elizabeth was born circa 1740 in Prob New Hampshire.
The child from this marriage was:
21. | i. | John HAM was born circa 1780 in New Hampshire.
John married Mary WENTWORTH , daughter of Nicholas WENTWORTH and Patience WENTWORTH , circa 1800 in Prob New Hampshire. Mary was born circa 1780 in Prob New Hampshire.
15. Lydia HANSON (Mary HORNE 3, Mary HAM 2, John 1) was born 27 Feb 1721/22 in Somersworth, Strafford Co. NH and died about Aug 1824 in Somersworth, Strafford Co. NH about age 102. ADDED NOTES
Lydia married William STILES Jr. (See Link for Ancestry),78 son of William STILES Sr. and Deborah (STILES) UNKNOWN, circa 1740. William was born 1 Mar 1708/09 in Dover, Strafford Co., NH.78 MARRIAGE NOTES
See the
William STILES Jr. Entry for this Couple's Children and Descendants.
16. Elizabeth HAM (John 3, John 2, John 1) was born about Sep 1725 and was baptized 16 Jun 1728 in Dover, Strafford Co., NH.
Elizabeth married Jonathan HAM (See Link for Ancestry), son of Joseph HAM and Tamson MESERVE, about 1744 in Strafford Co., New Hampshire. Jonathan was born 8 Jun 1720 in Dover, Strafford Co., NH and died about 1793 in New Hampshire about age 73.
See the
Jonathan HAM Entry for this Couple's Children and Descendants.
17. Lydia HAM 308 (Samuel 3, John 2, John 1) was born circa 1731 308 and died of Dover, Strafford Co., NH.308
Lydia married Ephraim HAM (See Link for Ancestry),13 son of Ephraim HAM and Anna WENTWORTH , circa 1750.308 Ephraim was born about 1731 in Dover, Strafford Co., NH,13 was baptized 9 Nov 1739 in First Church of Dover, Strafford Co., NH, and died about 15 Apr 1806 of Dover, Strafford Co., NH 13 about age 75. SPOUSE NOTES
The child from this marriage was:
22. | i. |
Ephraim HAM 74 was born in 1760 in Dover, Strafford Co., NH,3 died 29 Nov 1847 of Somersworth, Strafford Co. NH 3 at age 87, and was buried in Avon Avenue Cemetery, Dover, New Hampshire.128
18. Ephraim HAM 13 (Ephraim 3, John 2, John 1) was born about 1731 in Dover, Strafford Co., NH,13 was baptized 9 Nov 1739 in First Church of Dover, Strafford Co., NH, and died about 15 Apr 1806 of Dover, Strafford Co., NH 13 about age 75. ADDED NOTES
Ephraim married Lydia HAM (See Link for Ancestry),308 daughter of Samuel HAM and Lydia ROBERTS, circa 1750.308 Lydia was born circa 1731 308 and died of Dover, Strafford Co., NH.308
See the
Lydia HAM Entry for this Couple's Children and Descendants.
20. Abigail HAM (Jonathan 3, Joseph 2, John 1) was born 12 Jun 1748 and died of Portsmouth, Rockingham Co., NH.
Abigail married (Capt.) John FLAGG,309 son of (Capt.) John FLAGG and Sarah SHACKFORD, circa 1771. John was born circa 1740 and died about 1777 of Portsmouth, Rockingham Co., NH about age 37. SPOUSE NOTES
The child from this marriage was:
23. | i. |
Sarah FLAGG 11 was born 1 Nov 1772 in Prob Rochester, Strafford Co., NH 11 and died 21 Sep 1797 in Dover, Strafford Co., NH 11 126 at age 24.
22. Ephraim HAM 74 (Lydia HAM 4, Samuel 3, John 2, John 1) was born in 1760 in Dover, Strafford Co., NH,3 died 29 Nov 1847 of Somersworth, Strafford Co. NH 3 at age 87, and was buried in Avon Avenue Cemetery, Dover, New Hampshire.128 ADDED NOTES
Ephraim married Hannah KIELLE (See Link for Ancestry),11 daughter of John KIELLE (twin) Selectman of Dover and Abigail LEIGHTON, 24 Mar 1785 in Dover, Strafford Co., NH by Rev Jeremy Belknap of First Congregational Church.11 Hannah was born 22 Mar 1765 in Dover, Strafford Co., NH,11 died 4 Jun 1849 of Somersworth, Strafford Co. NH 11 at age 84, and was buried in Avon Avenue Cemetery, Dover, New Hampshire.97 Another name for Hannah was Hannah KELLEY.
See the
Hannah KIELLE Entry for this Couple's Children and Descendants.
23. Sarah FLAGG 11 (Abigail HAM 4, Jonathan 3, Joseph 2, John 1) was born 1 Nov 1772 in Prob Rochester, Strafford Co., NH 11 and died 21 Sep 1797 in Dover, Strafford Co., NH 11 126 at age 24. ADDED NOTES
Sarah married (Lieut) Benjamin KIELLE (See Link for Ancestry),11 son of John KIELLE (twin) Selectman of Dover and Abigail LEIGHTON, 18 Feb 1789 in Rochester, Strafford Co., NH.11 Benjamin was born 23 Aug 1763 in Dover, Strafford Co., NH 11 and died 5 May 1837 in Madbury, Strafford Co., NH 96 at age 73. SPOUSE NOTES
See the
(Lieut) Benjamin KIELLE Entry for this Couple's Children and Descendants.
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