Some Descendants of (Elder) William WENTWORTH
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(Persons with names shown in Green are Direct Ancestors or Descendants of Louise Anna (KIELLEY) BOOTH) (Persons with names in RED are Especially Notable Direct Ancestors or Descendants of Louise Anna (KIELLEY) BOOTH). (Persons with names in BLUE are cousins or more distant relations of Louise Anna (KIELLEY) BOOTH). (Persons with names in MAROON are Especially Notable cousins or more distant relations of Louise Anna (KIELLEY) BOOTH).
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| (Elder) William WENTWORTH - Highlight 'Gateway Ancestor' w Royal Pedigree |  |
| (Elder) William WENTWORTH - First of this Line to America |  |
| Click Bio Icon for more on (Elder) William WENTWORTH |  |
| Click Internet for more on (Elder) William WENTWORTH |  |
1. (Elder) William WENTWORTH 275 302 was born before 15 Mar 1614/15 in Alford, Lincolnshire, England,275 302 was baptized 15 Mar 1614/15 in Alford, Lincolnshire, England, and died 15 Mar 1695/96 in Dover, Strafford Co., NH.275 302 ADDED NOTES
William married Elizabeth KENNEY 275 302 in 1650 in Dover, Strafford Co., NH.275 302 Elizabeth was born circa 1615 in England 275 302 and died after 15 Mar 1696/97 in New Hampshire.
Children from this marriage were:
3. | ii. | Samuel WENTWORTH was born about 1641 in Rowley, Essex, Massachusetts and died 25 Mar 1690 in Portsmouth, Rockingham Co., NH about age 49.
Samuel married Mary BENNING in 1664 in Portsmouth, Rockingham Co., NH. Mary was born circa 1645 and died of Portsmouth, Rockingham Co., NH.
4. | iii. | Gershom WENTWORTH was born about 1649 in Rowley, Essex, Massachusetts and died 2 Mar 1730/31 in Somersworth, Strafford Co., NH about age 82.
Gershom married Hannah FRENCH 18 Mar 1695/96 in Salisbury, Essex Co., MA. Hannah was born circa 1650 and died of Somersworth, Strafford Co., NH.
5. | iv. | John WENTWORTH was born in 1644 in Rowley, Essex, Massachusetts and died about 1716 in Canton, Norfolk Co., MA about age 72.
John married Martha STEWART before 1679 in Kittery, York, Maine. Martha was born circa 1645 and died of Canton, Norfolk Co., MA.
6. | v. | Elizabeth WENTWORTH was born in 1653 in Dover, Strafford Co., NH.
Elizabeth married James SHARP circa 1675. James was born circa 1650.
7. | vi. | Paul WENTWORTH was born about 1655 in Dover, Strafford Co., NH and died about 1750 in Norwich, New London Co., CT about age 95.
Paul married Katherine STEWART before 21 Apr 1681 of Rowley, Essex, Massachusetts. Katherine was born 8 Jun 1658 in Norwich, New London Co., CT and died of Norwich, New London Co., CT.
8. | vii. | Sylvanus WENTWORTH was born in 1659 in Rowley, Essex, Massachusetts.
Sylvanus married Elizabeth STEWART 7 Nov 1685 in Salem, Essex Co., MA. Elizabeth was born circa 1660.
9. | viii. | Sarah WENTWORTH was born 15 Apr 1666 in Dover, Strafford Co., NH.
Sarah married Benjamin BARNARD in 1687. Benjamin was born circa 1665.
10. | ix. |
Ephraim WENTWORTH was born about 1668 in Dover, Strafford Co., NH and died before 29 Jun 1748 in Strafford Co., New Hampshire.
11. | x. | Timothy WENTWORTH was born about 1673 in Wells, York Co., ME and died in 1719 in Berwick, York Co., ME about age 46.
Timothy married Sarah CROMWELL about 1698. Sarah was born circa 1675.
12. | xi. |
Benjamin WENTWORTH was born about 1679 in Dover, Strafford Co., NH and died in 1728 about age 49.
2. Ezekiel WENTWORTH 275 302 (William ((Elder)) 1) was born about 1651 in Dover, Strafford Co., NH 275 302 and died before May 1712 in Dover, Strafford Co., NH.275 302 ADDED NOTES
Ezekiel married Elizabeth KNIGHT 275 302 27 Jun 1676 in Rollinsford, Strafford Co., NH.275 302 Elizabeth was born 1 Feb 1645/46 in Wells, York Co., ME 275 302 and died before 9 Mar 1725/26 in Maine.275 302
Children from this marriage were:
13. | i. | (Col.) Paul WENTWORTH 302 was born in 1678 in Rollinsford, Strafford Co., NH 302 and died 24 Jun 1748 in Rollinsford, Strafford Co., NH 302 at age 70.
Paul married Abra BROWN 302 24 May 1704 in Salisbury, Essex Co., MA.302 Abra was born 20 Nov 1680 in Salisbury, Essex Co., MA.302
14. | ii. |
John WENTWORTH 302 was born 20 Jul 1679 in Dover, Strafford Co., NH 302 and died 24 Dec 1717 in Dover, Strafford Co., NH 302 at age 38.
15. | iii. | Thomas WENTWORTH 302 was born circa 1682 in Dover, Strafford Co., NH 302 and died about 1719 302 about age 37.
16. | iv. |
Tamsen WENTWORTH 275 276 277 302 was born in 1687 in Dover, Strafford Co., NH,275 276 277 302 was baptized 16 Mar 1728/29 in First Church of Dover, Strafford Co., NH, and died 30 Dec 1753 in Dover, Strafford Co., NH 275 276 277 at age 66.
18. | vi. | Elizabeth WENTWORTH 302 was born circa 1694 in Dover, Strafford Co., NH 302 and died 9 Mar 1736/37 at age 43.
Elizabeth married Nathaniel BROWN 3 Nov 1713 in Salisbury, Essex Co., MA. Nathaniel was born 24 Jul 1689 in Salisbury, Essex Co., MA.
19. | vii. | (Deacon) Gershom WENTWORTH 302 was born circa 1700 in Dover, Strafford Co., NH 302 and died before 27 Jun 1759 in Dover, Strafford Co., NH.302
Gershom married Sarah TWOMBLY 302 before 1730 in Rollinsford, Strafford Co., NH.302 Sarah was born circa 1700 in Dover, Strafford Co., NH.302
10. Ephraim WENTWORTH (William ((Elder)) 1) was born about 1668 in Dover, Strafford Co., NH and died before 29 Jun 1748 in Strafford Co., New Hampshire. ADDED NOTES
Ephraim married Mary MILLER 22 Oct 1696 in Dover, Strafford Co., NH. Mary was born circa 1675 and died of Strafford Co., New Hampshire. MARRIAGE NOTES
Children from this marriage were:
20. | i. |
Ephraim WENTWORTH was born about 1698 in Prob New Hampshire and died 24 Feb 1776 in Dover, Strafford Co., NH about age 78.
21. | ii. |
Anna WENTWORTH was born circa 1710 in Prob New Hampshire and died of Dover, Strafford Co., NH.
12. Benjamin WENTWORTH (William ((Elder)) 1) was born about 1679 in Dover, Strafford Co., NH and died in 1728 about age 49.
Benjamin married Sarah ALLEN. Sarah was born in 1679 in Prob Dover, Strafford Co., NH and died in 1770 at age 91.
The child from this marriage was:
22. | i. | Ebenezer WENTWORTH was born in 1705 in Prob Dover, Strafford Co., NH.
Ebenezer married Sarah ROBERTS circa 1725. Sarah was born in 1708 and died in 1770 at age 62.
14. John WENTWORTH 302 (Ezekiel 2, William ((Elder)) 1) was born 20 Jul 1679 in Dover, Strafford Co., NH 302 and died 24 Dec 1717 in Dover, Strafford Co., NH 302 at age 38.
John married Martha MILLER 302 24 Dec 1703 in Dover, Strafford Co., NH.302 Martha was born about 1684 in Kittery, York, Maine 302 and died after 1755 in Somersworth, Strafford Co., NH.302 SPOUSE NOTES
Children from this marriage were:
23. | i. | Richard WENTWORTH was born about 1708 in Dover, Strafford Co., NH, was baptized 5 Jul 1719 in First Church, Dover, Strafford Co., NH, and died in 1796 in Rochester, Strafford Co., NH about age 88.
24. | ii. |
Ezekiel WENTWORTH 302 was born about 1710 in Dover, Strafford Co., NH and was baptized 5 Jul 1719 in First Church, Dover, Strafford Co., NH.
25. | iii. | Damaris WENTWORTH was born about 1716 in Dover, Strafford Co., NH, was baptized 5 Jul 1719 in First Church, Dover, Strafford Co., NH, and was buried after 3 Feb 1747/48.
26. | iv. | Thomas WENTWORTH was born in 1719 in Dover, Strafford Co., NH, was baptized 5 Jul 1719 in First Church, Dover, Strafford Co., NH, and died about 1758 in Somersworth, Strafford Co., NH about age 39.
27. | v. | Mercy WENTWORTH was born circa 1720 in Dover, Strafford Co., NH and died after 1759.
16. Tamsen WENTWORTH 275 276 277 302 (Ezekiel 2, William ((Elder)) 1) was born in 1687 in Dover, Strafford Co., NH,275 276 277 302 was baptized 16 Mar 1728/29 in First Church of Dover, Strafford Co., NH, and died 30 Dec 1753 in Dover, Strafford Co., NH 275 276 277 at age 66. ADDED NOTES
Tamsen married James CHESLEY,277 son of Philip CHESLEY and Sarah (CHESLEY) UNKNOWN, 29 Dec 1704 in Dover, Strafford Co., NH.275 James was born 10 May 1676 in Dover, Strafford Co., NH 277 and died 17 Sep 1707 in Prob Dover, Strafford Co., NH 277 at age 31. SPOUSE NOTES
The child from this marriage was:
28. | i. | James CHESLEY 277 was born 10 May 1706.277
Tamsen next married (Deacon) John HAYES (See Link for Ancestry),276 277 son of John "the Scotsman and Covenanter" HAYES and Mary HORNE, about 1711 in Dover, Strafford Co., NH.275 276 277 John was born circa 1686 in Dover, Strafford Co., NH,276 277 died 3 Jul 1759 in Dover, Strafford Co., NH 276 277 at age 73, and was buried in Pine Hill Cemetery, Dover, Strafford Co., NH. SPOUSE NOTES
See the
(Deacon) John HAYES Entry for this Couple's Children and Descendants.
17. Capt. Benjamin WENTWORTH 302 (Ezekiel 2, William ((Elder)) 1) was born about 1691 in Dover, Strafford Co., NH 302 and died before 14 Apr 1726 in Dover, Strafford Co., NH.302
Capt. married Elizabeth LEIGHTON 302 22 Sep 1717 in Kittery, York, Maine.302 Elizabeth was born 30 May 1691.302
The child from this marriage was:
29. | i. |
(Col) John WENTWORTH 302 was born 30 Mar 1719 in Dover, Strafford Co., NH 302 and died 17 May 1781 in Salem Falls, Rockingham Co., NH at age 62.
20. Ephraim WENTWORTH (Ephraim 2, William ((Elder)) 1) was born about 1698 in Prob New Hampshire and died 24 Feb 1776 in Dover, Strafford Co., NH about age 78.
Ephraim married Martha GRANT circa 1720. Martha was born circa 1700 of Berwick, York Co., ME and died of Dover, Strafford Co., NH.
The child from this marriage was:
30. | i. | Spencer WENTWORTH was born about Oct 1739 in Wakefield, Carroll Co., NH and died 30 Jun 1816 in Wakefield, Carroll Co., NH about age 76.
Spencer married Sarah STILES, daughter of William STILES Jr. and Lydia HANSON, 14 Dec 1769 in Dover, Strafford Co., NH. Sarah was born 29 Dec 1744 in Somersworth, Strafford Co. NH and died about Oct 1809 about age 64.
21. Anna WENTWORTH (Ephraim 2, William ((Elder)) 1) was born circa 1710 in Prob New Hampshire and died of Dover, Strafford Co., NH.
Anna married Ephraim HAM (See Link for Ancestry), son of John HAM and Elizabeth KNIGHT, circa 1730. Ephraim was born about 1710 in Dover, Strafford Co., NH and died of Dover, Strafford Co., NH. MARRIAGE NOTES
See the
Ephraim HAM Entry for this Couple's Children and Descendants.
24. Ezekiel WENTWORTH 302 (John 3, Ezekiel 2, William ((Elder)) 1) was born about 1710 in Dover, Strafford Co., NH and was baptized 5 Jul 1719 in First Church, Dover, Strafford Co., NH.
Ezekiel married Martha LORD circa 1730. Martha was born circa 1710 in South Berwick, York Co., ME.
The child from this marriage was:
31. | i. |
Patience WENTWORTH was born 13 Mar 1748/49 in Berwick, York Co., ME and died 24 Oct 1827 in Conway, Carroll Co., NH at age 78.
29. (Col) John WENTWORTH 302 (Capt. Benjamin 3, Ezekiel 2, William ((Elder)) 1) was born 30 Mar 1719 in Dover, Strafford Co., NH 302 and died 17 May 1781 in Salem Falls, Rockingham Co., NH at age 62.
John married Joanna GILMAN 9 Dec 1742 in Prob Strafford, Strafford Co., NH. Joanna was born 14 Jul 1720 in Exeter, Rockingham Co., NH and died 3 Apr 1750 in Dover, Strafford Co., NH at age 29. MARRIAGE NOTES
The child from this marriage was:
31. Patience WENTWORTH (Ezekiel 4, John 3, Ezekiel 2, William ((Elder)) 1) was born 13 Mar 1748/49 in Berwick, York Co., ME and died 24 Oct 1827 in Conway, Carroll Co., NH at age 78.
Patience married Nicholas WENTWORTH (See Link for Ancestry), son of (Col) John WENTWORTH and Joanna GILMAN, 9 Sep 1771 in Berwick, York Co., ME. Nicholas was born 26 Mar 1750 in Dover, Strafford Co., NH.
The child from this marriage was:
33. | i. | Mary WENTWORTH was born circa 1780 in Prob New Hampshire.
Mary married John HAM, son of John HAM and Elizabeth SEAVEY, circa 1800 in Prob New Hampshire. John was born circa 1780 in New Hampshire.
32. Nicholas WENTWORTH (John ((Col)) 4, Capt. Benjamin 3, Ezekiel 2, William ((Elder)) 1) was born 26 Mar 1750 in Dover, Strafford Co., NH.
Nicholas married Patience WENTWORTH (See Link for Ancestry), daughter of Ezekiel WENTWORTH and Martha LORD, 9 Sep 1771 in Berwick, York Co., ME. Patience was born 13 Mar 1748/49 in Berwick, York Co., ME and died 24 Oct 1827 in Conway, Carroll Co., NH at age 78.
See the
Patience WENTWORTH Entry for this Couple's Children and Descendants.
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